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EducationQuest Foundation Board

About Us


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EducationQuest Foundation is a nonprofit organization with a mission to improve access to higher education in Nebraska.

EducationQuest provides free college planning services, need-based scholarship programs, college access grants for high schools, college access resources for middle schools, and outreach services for community agencies.

We have locations in Omaha, Lincoln, Kearney, and Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

Rockbrook Village
(108th and W. Center Road)
11031 Elm Street
1300 O Street

2706 Second Ave.
1601 E. 27th Street
800.303.3745, ext. 6654

Our History

EducationQuest has provided free college planning services since 1986. Prior to 1998, we served Nebraska families through what was known as the Educational Planning Centers.

In 1998, EducationQuest Foundation was founded when the Nebraska Higher Education Loan Program (NEBHELP) converted from a nonprofit secondary market for student loans to a for-profit corporation providing similar services. EducationQuest used the proceeds from the sale of the loan portfolio to create a permanent endowment. It is through this endowment that we fund our programs and services.

College Planning Services

EducationQuest has college planning offices in Omaha, Lincoln, Kearney, and Scottsbluff where we have resources that help students and parents:

  • research colleges
  • explore career options
  • find scholarship resources
  • complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

All services are free and most are by appointment to provide families with one-on-one assistance.

Students and parents also learn about college planning and financial aid through our college fairs, educational planning programs, and financial aid programs. See our events calendar for programs near you.

We create college planning materials and distribute them to students and parents across the state. You may order our materials at no charge.

Look2College Program

Look2College is an early college awareness program designed to help 6th grade students think about what they want to be, how they will get there, and how to invest in themselves. EducationQuest developed a student publication, facilitator guide, and other resources available for schools to order at no cost.

KnowHow2GO Program

KnowHow2GO also focuses on early college awareness by promoting four steps 8th, 9th and 10th-grade students should follow to prepare for college. EducationQuest provides free KnowHow2GOmaterials for students, parents, counselors, and agencies, and we coordinate statewide activities and events to promote the program.

Outreach Services

Through our Outreach Services, we take our free college planning services and presentations to community agencies across the state.

Outreach services include FAFSA completion, career exploration, and college and scholarship searches. We also provide on-site presentations covering topics such as EducationQuest services, college planning, financial aid, and adult learner issues.

Need-based Scholarship Programs

EducationQuest Scholarship Program
This program provides $1.55 million in scholarship funding each year to Nebraska’s nonprofit public and private colleges. The colleges then award the funds to eligible students who demonstrate financial need, which may include middle-income as well as low-income students.

Reaching Your Potential Scholarship Program
Students who face significant obstacles to higher education are the target of this need-based, renewable scholarship program which provides approximately $100,000 in scholarships each year. Applicants are referred to the program by community agencies and colleges statewide.

College Access Grants Program

Our College Access Grants program provides funding for Nebraska high schools that seek to develop or enhance college access activities within their school. The program’s goal is to increase the number of Nebraska students going to college.

Every two years, EducationQuest provides grants to approximately 15 high schools and commits funding to each school for four years. Funding amounts depend on the high school’s enrollment.